Profile picture of Hunter Kehoe
Hunter Kehoe Web Developer

Welcome to Wunter8 Dev

Welcome to my blog! I have been meaning to start this for a while. The plan is to mostly write about projects I am working on.

That might change over time, but my thought is that since I run into so many problems and bugs when I'm coding, others do, too.

I want to be able to write about the problems I have run into and talk about the solution I found in order to help others solve that same problem quicker.


Another main section of this blog will contains cheatsheets with snippets of code that I use over and over again.

There are certain blocks of code that I use frequently, but not frequently enough to have the syntax exactly memorized, so I end up Googling the same thing over and over again.

Instead of tracking down that one post on Stackoverflow that has the answer each time I need to use that snippet, I'll just keep a list of everything here that I can refer back to.

The snippets will be organized by language and topic to make it easy to find them when I need them.

Spending a bunch of time searching for the answer on my own blog defeats the purpose, so I'll be sure to make them easily accessible. I hope you find them helpful as well!

My projects

I was working as a website developer for a few years, but now I'm in law school to become a patent attorney.

I still love to code in my free time, though. I always seem to have a bunch of projects going on simultaneously.

Here are some of the topics/technologies I'll probably end up writing about:

  • Home Assistant
  • Tasker
  • Python
  • Django
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Bash
  • Plaid
  • Automation/scripting
  • Flutter
  • SQL
  • Vim

Reaching out

I would love to hear about any projects you're working on or any problems you've run into. Feel free to send me an email with any questions or comments you have!

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